Love and Suffer

Lagi buka-buka terus dapet quote kaya gini:
"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down."
- Woody Allen,

as olways,,harus baca berulang kali dulu baru bisa ngerti...
hhhmmm..admit it or not, i'm one of the people who really really avoid suffering,,thus I've once chosen for not to love...
Because i thought that was the easiest way to be happy.. ga usah mikirin yg kaya gitu hidup bakal lebih mudah.

I loved someone badly,,and then what was the result? brokenheart..

When i truly love someone or begin to love someone,,,my brain will start to work very hard.....mulai deh di otak jadi terlalu banyak yang dipikirin..jadi terlalu paranoid,,dari mikir dia serius ato maen2?kalo udah dapet, bosenan ga ya orangnya?blablablabla..sampe di ujung trus stuck yang muncul di pikiran: udahlah mending sendiri aja daripada sakit lagi..

Orang sih banyak bilang..dijalanin aja kali,,santai ajalah.. but that's not me being like that. (pernah terpengaruh untuk menjadi seperti ini..dan hasilnya parah) Let's say i'm not an easy going girl.. i have to be sure that i want it.

mmmmm,,, i will learn to love and to suffer.. then i will also learn that being hurt and paranoid is only the side effect.. (Side effect is a problem that occur in addition to the desired therapeutic effect) ..hahahaaaaa ga jelas emg ni blog.. but i'll just write what i like..
because,, again... it is easier for me to write than to speak..and it relieves me...


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