Jadi tiba-tiba keinget dan pengen ngpost !
Tau Katy Perry ato Zooey Deschanel kan?? mirip banget yaa! dulu sbelum katy perry muncul emang pernah liat zooey maen di film "Bridge to Terabithia" trus disana dia jadi guru n maen gitar terus nyanyi dengan suara yang serek2..haha..
Nah tiba2 katy perry muncul dan nyanyi ..
i thought they're the same.. matanya biru n suaranya juga mirip.. liat deh foto di sebelah: yang pake baju pink tu katy perry... kaya kembar kan!
dikirain yang nyadar dikit, adik liza juga bilangnya mirip banget.. eh pas brosing2, ternyata banyak ulasannya looooo.. and sooo many people said that this fact is FREAK!
Read this.. ulasan yang dikutip dari salah satu web:
Close your eyes and mentally picture a bendy, paper doll version of singer/actress Zooey Deschanel.
Katy and Zooey have always had that dark-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned lady of leisure thing going on, but it wasn't 'til Katy winked at us in her costume-y, Xanadu-inspired two-piece last Sunday that we came to an important realization: Katy and Zooey MAY ACTUALLY BE THE SAME PERSON.
+ Think about it: When was the last time you actually saw them in the same room together, at the exact same time? (Answer: Never). Check out this pic of Katy from the VMAs, compare them with this snapshot of Zooey from FNMTV -- Katy and Zooey's band She & Him were on the same episode of FNMTV, which was really confusing -- and watch their videos below. Then admit that they're either (a) identical twins, or else (b) aliens from some faraway planet where no one uses self-tanner -- and EVERYONE can sing.
this is odd! padahal kalo emang bener satu orang,,berarti kan dia multitalented bangeeeet!
blog yang aneh..... yang nulis juga aneh.... haha peace!!!!
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