my eyes is leaking now,,and it hasnt stop since2 days matter how much i tried to make it stop,,but the tears olways can find their gravity..they drop down..
I think i m on my way to dry my eyes,,
i hope these eyes will not produce some salty liquid again..
What s wrong with my heart?!!!
this heart feels hurt,but why do these eyes crying???what s the connection?
I feel so restless now..what would u do when u feel so sleepy,,but then u cant shut ur eyes bcause of these teardrops wont stop,,,
Hey, I like reading comics!! Really love it!! Semua bacaan mau itu komik, textbook, novel, ato buku apapun pasti ada yang bisa kita ambil intisarinya..hwhw..
Waktu lagi baca, terus ada pertanyaan di komik ituu: “What is your goal in life??”
For me that is a very hard and harsh question..hee..lebay..
karena sampai sekarang pun masih belum punya jawaban yang pastii..
bukan berarti liza ga pernah mikirin hal yang kaya gitu, bukan berarti ga punya target idup..
mm…my boy once told me that: success people always have their target in life, they decided it earlier --> so they knew what they wanted to achieve in their life..right??
Sukses itu berhasil kan??! Yang namanya sukses itu bisa di berbagai bidang mau itu pendidikan, karir, keluarga, dll..pokonya kita udah bisa mencapai atau melebihi target yang udah ditentuin dan orang bisa mengapresiasi yang bisa kita raih.
So back to the question zaa….What is ur goal in life??
Come to think again… mikir pake otak yang pas-pasan inii..
Hmm..for me, myself,,I olways know that I’m just a simple girl… dengan pemikiran yang seringkali sederhana..
sebenernya sering ngiri sih sama orang2 yang punya pemikiran brilian, ide-ide jenius.. tapi yaaaa..
I am Me once more!!!!
Ok,liza jabarin dulu yang dipengen :
pengen lulus apoteker, pengen dapet kerjaan yang bener yang berhubungan ama farmasi (mau industri/rumah sakit/yang lain --> we’ll see..), pengen bisa ngbangun keluarga yang baik ke depannya..
daan…liza ga ngerasa butuh predikat yang terbaik untuk yang dijabarin di atas yang penting bisa nglakuin semuanya dengan baik n udah berusaha maksimal..
Because what I’m trying to do is --> How to make people I love happy..
I love my family, I love my bf, and I love my bestfriends!! I love them all!
So my goal in life is --> to make all of them happy with what I’ll do later..
Pengen bisa ngbuat bahagia mama n bapak yang udah cape ngurus anaknya yang satu ini,hahaa..pengen jadi kakak n adik yang bisa diandelin ke depannya baik itu dalam materi atau non materi buat de titi n yu ati…pengen jadi ‘real bestfriend' dimana yang namanya bestfriend itu selalu bisa share, baik itu hal yang sedih ataupun yang seneng, bisa saling ngbimbing dan bantu satu sama lain,,,pengen jadi pacar yang baik yang bisa kaya gini :
The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet,, I'll catch you
And people say things that bring you to your knees,,,I'll catch you
The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry
But I'll hold you through the night until you smile
Hahaha…being too mellow here? (hi dev!)
Kalo dari yang liza amatin dan rasain selama ini ngbuat orang bahagia itu dengan selalu ada waktu mereka butuhin dan bisa nunjukkin kalo kita sayang sama mereka..
dan liza pengen sukses dalam hal ini!
I’ll be happy when I see people surround me smiling 4 me for what I’ve done to them! -->
this is my “Bonheur”!
Hello My Future Happiness :))!!!
Eh udah dari beberapa hari yang lalu pengen ngpost blog tentang ini..
My bf asked me : what is specific thing that you like??!
Kalo ditanyain yang spesifik, liza ga punyaaa.. cause I’m a random girl..
I like many things --> just like what he said that I like reading, listening music, fashion, pharmclgy and many more. thanks that u know me!
i like everything that can be my inspiration.. I like to be inspired by something or someone..
Ohya ada satu lagi yang liza suka : I like something that is cute,,hwhw
I like cute baby, cute face with a cute smile, cute song with a cute lyrics, cute dress, cute color, cute doll,
all things are cute --> I love them
I’ve ever picked up a cute white smooth stone in the vase beside the street and kept it in my room
I’ve ever put a cute flower in my book that I found in campus until it dried..
umm, I like a cute boyfriend too..hwhw..
And most of all I love to collect a cute moment in life by taking a picture of it and put it in my head or by writing it so I won’t forget…
Mmm…I told u that there are a lot of things going through my mind lately, and u asked me what are those things?? Most of them is about you, I’m full with u lately, thank God the lecture has begun :)))! So I have more things to be thought about..heee..You could be my distraction when I’m feeling bad, but sometimes I need a distraction from you too.. are the deviL..hahaa..;p!!!